(1) KEY SESSION DATA ============================================================ Boost AI Simulation License: 11201 / BROWSER VERSION 1617906379 / PC Timestamp: 4/8/21 8:41 PM Real Time Elapsed: 1 hours 15 minutes 29 seconds Simulation Time Elapsed: 120 days Number of Initiatives: 52 Number of Attitude Points: 165 (out of max. 243) Number of Adopters: 8 (out of max. 22) Score: 15 (2) TEAM / STRATEGY & REFLECTION POINTS ============================================================ 11201 ---- o ---- o ---- o ---- o ---- ---- o ---- o ---- o ---- o ---- >>>> DOs >>>> DONTs KEN RETAINS THAT: (32 observations/data points) ================ 4/8/21 7:29 PM is when you took your first Decision 4/8/21 8:41 PM is when you took your last Decision 120 is the total number of DAYS you used in your intervention (from 120 Days available) 5,1 is the longest time you needed to take a Decision (in minutes) 9 is the day when you took that decision Face-To-Face Meeting was the Initiative you took just before this "longest decision time" Get Profiles is the Initiative you finally implemented 16 is the shortest time you needed to take a Decision (in seconds) 44 is the day when you took that decision Dinner Event was the Initiative you took just before this "shortest decision time" Dinner Event is the Initiative you finally implemented 47 is the number of Days you needed to secure a First Adopter Linda Pastorakis is the first Manager you persuaded A real pity you did not succeed in persuading the CEO 0 is the total number of Days during which the CEO was not fully interested 8 is the total number of Managers you succeeded in persuading 23 is the number of Days you waited before getting information on Internal Informal Networks 100 is the number of Days you waited before getting information on External Informal Networks 1 is the number of Days you waited before getting information on Internal Formal Networks You did not care about gathering information about any of the Managers! 8 is the number of Days you waited before having a successful meeting with the CEO 2 is the number of times you interacted successfully with the CEO 8 is the total number of times you interacted successfully with the Managers 52 is the total number of DECISIONS you took 2 is the number of times you decided to implement "risky" initiatives Directive is the Initiative which made you lose most PAPs (Positive Attitude Points) 27 is the highest number of PAPs you lost in one shot 26 is the number of PAPs you were able to recover with your following 3 Decisions ExCom Meeting is the Initiative which made you gain most PAPs in one shot 21 is the number of Decisions that were not effective in helping you gaining PAPs 2 is the number of Initiatives that you did not use at all 165 is the total number of Positive Attitude Points (PAPs) you were finally able to secure Consider that this Simulation is parametrized at the highest difficulty degree. Only a few Teams succeed well the first time(s) they try to accomplish the Mission. Therefore: CONGRATULATIONS for a Good and interesting, although perhaps a bit frustrating run!! (3) ADOPTION STAGES ============================================================ INFO IGNORED AWARE INTERESTED TRYING/APPR. ADOPTED Y Emma Stuart Y Bert Heinze PhD Y Stefanie Durand Y Per Joos PhD Y Randy Longhorn Y Frank Raponi Y John Peters Y Martin Buerli Y Luis Fernandez N Jean Bardotte Y Fred Smithson N Anna Belloni Y Laszlo Por Y Ivan Tarowski Y Daniel Wang PhD Y Roberta Fong N Thomas Kupik Y Pradeep Gupta Y Jill Atherson PhD Y Linda Pastorakis Y Adam deGroote Y Samuel Stein N Wilma Grollmyer Y Adrian Muster PhD (4) HISTORY SUMMARY ============================================================ EVENT ( 0) 0p # 1 ( 1- 5) Get Teams info # 2 ( 6- 6) Face-To-Face Meeting (Stuart) 0p # 3 ( 7- 7) Face-To-Face Meeting (Durand) 2p # 4 ( 8- 8) Face-To-Face Meeting (Stuart) 1p # 5 ( 9- 10) Get Profiles info # 6 ( 11- 11) Face-To-Face Meeting (Raponi) 0p # 7 ( 12- 12) Face-To-Face Meeting (Raponi) 2p # 8 ( 13- 13) Face-To-Face Meeting (Joos) 0p # 9 ( 14- 14) ExCom Meeting 0p #10 ( 15- 15) Plenary Meeting 0p #11 ( 16- 16) Face-To-Face Meeting (deGroote) 2p #12 ( 17- 19) ExCom Meeting 0p #13 ( 20- 22) Reception 3p #14 ( 23- 25) Coffee Groups info #15 ( 26- 30) Plenary Meeting 11p #16 ( 31- 31) Face-To-Face Meeting (Stuart) 11p #17 ( 32- 33) Informal Encounters (Muster) 5p #18 ( 34- 34) Email 1p #19 ( 35- 37) Internal Magazine 3p #20 ( 38- 38) Questionnaire 0p #21 ( 39- 40) Get Profiles info #22 ( 41- 43) Dinner Event (Buerli) 1p #23 ( 44- 46) Dinner Event (Buerli) 0p #24 ( 47- 47) Face-To-Face Meeting (Pastorakis) 4p #25 ( 48- 49) Questionnaire 1p #26 ( 50- 54) Workshop (Pastorakis) 0p EVENT ( 54) 2p #27 ( 55- 55) Face-To-Face Meeting (Stuart) 0p #28 ( 56- 58) Reception 2p #29 ( 59- 59) Dinner Event (Stuart) 0p #30 ( 60- 62) Dinner Event (Durand) 2p EVENT ( 62) 0p EVENT ( 62) 2p #31 ( 63- 66) Covert Lobbying -14p #32 ( 67- 69) ExCom Meeting 10p #33 ( 70- 71) Informal Encounters (Longhorn) 7p EVENT ( 71) 16p #34 ( 72- 73) Informal Encounters (Heinze) 0p #35 ( 74- 74) Face-To-Face Meeting (Heinze) 0p #36 ( 75- 75) Face-To-Face Meeting (Peters) 0p #37 ( 76- 77) Get Profiles info #38 ( 78- 80) Reception 36p EVENT ( 80) 3p #39 ( 81- 81) Neutralize Resisters (Muster) - 2p #40 ( 82- 82) Email 0p #41 ( 83- 87) Management Training 10p #42 ( 88- 92) Task Force 20p #43 ( 93- 97) Workshop (Raponi) 0p #44 ( 98- 98) Memo 0p #45 ( 99- 99) Face-To-Face Meeting (Stuart) 0p #46 (100-102) External Links info #47 (103-104) Informal Encounters (Atherson) 8p EVENT (104) 14p #48 (105-107) ExCom Meeting 45p #49 (108-112) Directive -27p #50 (113-117) Plenary Meeting 6p #51 (118-119) Informal Encounters (Wang) 16p #52 (120-120) Selective Email 4p (5) DETAILED HISTORY ============================================================ EVENT (day 0) ___________________________________________________________________ OUTCOME: The Secretary of the Board of GlobeCom just sent an email with some more information about Emma Stuart, the CEO, her Personal Assistant, Stefanie Durand, as well as Frank Raponi, FrontMedia's Chief HR Officer, which should be useful to you. This additional information has been directly inserted in their Profiles which you can access directly by moving the mouse on the small picture next to their names. By the way, you can always stop the voice by clicking on the round button on the bottom left corner of the screen. ADOPTERS: 0 DECISION 1 (days 1-5) ___________________________________________________________________ TACTIC :Get Teams RATIONALE: OUTCOME: Requested information delivered to you. ADOPTERS: 0 DECISION 2 (day 6 ) ___________________________________________________________________ TACTIC :Face-To-Face Meeting (Stuart) RATIONALE: OUTCOME: The meeting couldn't take place as planned. The CEO’s Personal Assistant just sent you a brief email stating that Emma Stuart is extremely sorry but she is too busy today. The Personal Assistant has a lot to say about who can get to meet the CEO. Why don't you try to meet Stefanie Durand first? For the time being, this last initiative has not been particularly successful. At least in the short term ... ADOPTERS: 0 DECISION 3 (day 7 ) ___________________________________________________________________ TACTIC :Face-To-Face Meeting (Durand) RATIONALE: OUTCOME: The Personal Assistant can now see how your issues fit into FrontMedia's strategic priorities. It will now be easier to link this to the CEO's agenda in the future. ADOPTERS: 0 DECISION 4 (day 8 ) ___________________________________________________________________ TACTIC :Face-To-Face Meeting (Stuart) RATIONALE: OUTCOME: This has been a very interesting first meeting! It is now clear to you that the CEO has not had very good experiences with 'consultants' from outside the company or 'colleagues' sent from GlobeCom Headquarters. It is thus going to be difficult to convince her. Emma Stuart does not appear to be a big fan of technological innovations - she is old school. She has worked very hard to get to the top and continues to believe that much of this technology push is all hype. She stated that just because it worked elsewhere, doesn't mean it will work at FrontMedia. However, she has been known to accept a proposal when it has stood the review of her key collaborators and they recommend it. She admitted that the idea of injecting AI Techniques to increase performance is great, but that she is pretty happy with the way her collaborators take decisions. She reminded that her company has evolved very successfully in the past, and why change a good thing? She concluded the meeting by stating that she has been told by the GlobeCom Board to allow you access to everybody at FrontMedia, so she will comply and spread the word throughout the company that you are here. ADOPTERS: 0 DECISION 5 (days 9-10) ___________________________________________________________________ TACTIC :Get Profiles (Buerli) (Joos) (Longhorn) (Pastorakis) (Bardotte) RATIONALE: OUTCOME: Requested information delivered to you. ADOPTERS: 0 DECISION 6 (day 11 ) ___________________________________________________________________ TACTIC :Face-To-Face Meeting (Raponi) RATIONALE: OUTCOME: Frank Raponi didn't really appreciate your suggestions, was surprised, and gently told you that all this information doesn’t make lots of sense for the moment. This initiative was not very effective in terms of your objective, at least for now ... ADOPTERS: 0 DECISION 7 (day 12 ) ___________________________________________________________________ TACTIC :Face-To-Face Meeting (Raponi) RATIONALE: OUTCOME: Frank Raponi begins the meeting by telling you what the advantages of AI-enhanced processes in organizations are! You are pleasantly surprised to see this level of support and interest. ADOPTERS: 0 DECISION 8 (day 13 ) ___________________________________________________________________ TACTIC :Face-To-Face Meeting (Joos) RATIONALE: OUTCOME: Not having any background information about Per Joos made the meeting relatively unproductive. At least now you know more about Per Joos and can add this information to your collection of personal profiles. In summary, that's what you know now about Per Joos: One of the 'old-timers' at FrontMedia, everybody describes him as a hard-working executive with a wide international experience and a great personal network. Believes strongly in traditional management principles and 'presence'. He holds regular Review Meetings with all those reporting to him to always be in touch with what's happening. ADVICE: In future, before such meetings, try to get all the information you can on the person you really want to convince or involve! For the time being, this last initiative has not been particularly successful. At least in the short term ... ADOPTERS: 0 DECISION 9 (day 14 ) ___________________________________________________________________ TACTIC :ExCom Meeting RATIONALE: OUTCOME: Sorry, but you simply don't succeed in getting an appropriate room for the meeting. By the way, Adam deGroote's department also oversees the deployment of all the office and meeting rooms in FrontMedia facilities. It might be a good idea to have a word with him. In the meantime, you just wasted another day in unsuccessful attempts to organize the meeting. From a point of view of getting more support, this doesn't seem to be the most successful approach. ADOPTERS: 0 DECISION 10 (day 15 ) ___________________________________________________________________ TACTIC :Plenary Meeting RATIONALE: jhij OUTCOME: Sorry, but you simply don't succeed in getting an appropriate room for the meeting. By the way, Adam deGroote's department also oversees the deployment of all the office and meeting rooms in FrontMedia facilities. It might be a good idea to have a word with him. In the meantime, you just wasted another day in unsuccessful attempts to organize the meeting. This initiative was not very effective in terms of your objective, at least for now ... ADOPTERS: 0 DECISION 11 (day 16 ) ___________________________________________________________________ TACTIC :Face-To-Face Meeting (deGroote) RATIONALE: OUTCOME: Despite some fears that you were not on the same wavelength, your discussion shows a lot of common interest in creating a better future for the organization. You realize that you can work together quite easily. ADOPTERS: 0 DECISION 12 (days 17-19) ___________________________________________________________________ TACTIC :ExCom Meeting RATIONALE: OUTCOME: A strange but interesting meeting. Participants just stared at you as if you were coming from outer space. Addressing the subject at this level can be effective, but only if all the top managers involved have already sufficient background knowledge to take decisions and move ahead. Only those who already saw concrete examples of AI applications got excited about such an ambitious project! Hmmm! Hasn't worked out very well for now ... ADOPTERS: 0 DECISION 13 (days 20-22) ___________________________________________________________________ TACTIC :Reception RATIONALE: OUTCOME: Professor Progenius had been highly recommended by the Chief HR officer (CHRO), but his topic was too broad and not pragmatic enough. Lots of grand philosophy, but this was not convincing and practical enough for the managers who attended. ADOPTERS: 0 DECISION 14 (days 23-25) ___________________________________________________________________ TACTIC :Coffee Groups RATIONALE: OUTCOME: Requested information delivered to you. ADOPTERS: 0 DECISION 15 (days 26-30) ___________________________________________________________________ TACTIC :Plenary Meeting RATIONALE: OUTCOME: You shared your ideas with a number of managers providing some really new perspectives on the deployment of AI Techniques and the direct impact of such systems on innovation. The presentation stimulated a lot of constructive discussion. Great. Excellent progress. ADOPTERS: 0 DECISION 16 (day 31 ) ___________________________________________________________________ TACTIC :Face-To-Face Meeting (Stuart) RATIONALE: OUTCOME: The CEO grows more interested and a lot of others apparently become more open to the idea of adopting the "Boost AI" platform at FrontMedia. Good move. Support is growing. ADOPTERS: 0 DECISION 17 (days 32-33) ___________________________________________________________________ TACTIC :Informal Encounters (Muster) RATIONALE: OUTCOME: Despite all your efforts you did not succeed in having a short talk with Adrian Muster in the restaurant but instead you discussed with Frank Raponi who enjoyed the informal conversation. ADOPTERS: 0 DECISION 18 (day 34 ) ___________________________________________________________________ TACTIC :Email RATIONALE: OUTCOME: Informing people via email doesn’t seem to correspond to the “high-touch” culture of FrontMedia (except perhaps for the IT people). There was no reply, and actually you are not even sure that they have read your email or left it in the large stack of unread and not responded emails you heard that managers have in their over-crowded mailboxes. ADOPTERS: 0 DECISION 19 (days 35-37) ___________________________________________________________________ TACTIC :Internal Magazine RATIONALE: OUTCOME: Those who took the time to read your magazine article become more interested in the many AI-related opportunities which could emerge, and start to mention it to their colleagues. ADOPTERS: 0 DECISION 20 (day 38 ) ___________________________________________________________________ TACTIC :Questionnaire RATIONALE: hfdh OUTCOME: The Business Excellence Manager doesn't understand why you're apparently getting into her territory. Schedule a meeting with Linda Pastorakis, otherwise everybody will start thinking that you are insensitive to defined roles in this organization. Your decision cannot be implemented under these conditions. You just wasted another day. From a point of view of getting more support, this doesn't seem to be the most successful approach. ADOPTERS: 0 DECISION 21 (days 39-40) ___________________________________________________________________ TACTIC :Get Profiles (Buerli) (Fong) (Muster) (Fernandez) (Smithson) RATIONALE: OUTCOME: Requested information delivered to you. ADOPTERS: 0 DECISION 22 (days 41-43) ___________________________________________________________________ TACTIC :Dinner Event (Buerli) RATIONALE: OUTCOME: Martin Buerli accepted your invitation and was friendly throughout the evening. Nevertheless it is clear that concerning the project, Martin Buerli sees this corporate initiative as another "flavour-of-the-year" idea and found convenient excuses for not getting involved too much in discussions on this subject. The statement “You know, deep down some people in our organization believe that too much innovation is not necessarily always a good thing!” was particularly revealing. ADOPTERS: 0 DECISION 23 (days 44-46) ___________________________________________________________________ TACTIC :Dinner Event (Buerli) RATIONALE: OUTCOME: Over dinner you realized that you have a long way to go to convince someone like this, who seems to ignore your arguments and operates with statements like “AI is strongly overhyped! It might be good at chess, but I still have to see an algorithm which can take better decisions in complex business situations like the ones I address daily!” For the time being, this last initiative has not been particularly successful. At least in the short term ... ADOPTERS: 0 DECISION 24 (day 47 ) ___________________________________________________________________ TACTIC :Face-To-Face Meeting (Pastorakis) RATIONALE: OUTCOME: Excellent! Many of FrontMedia's competitors have also started experimenting with AI techniques. Linda Pastorakis had been wondering when it would finally be implemented at FrontMedia and commits to start trying "Boost AI" platform immediately. ADOPTERS: 1 DECISION 25 (days 48-49) ___________________________________________________________________ TACTIC :Questionnaire RATIONALE: OUTCOME: You are always more likely to get people to fill out the questionnaire and get constructive results and momentum when they are already beyond the interest phase. ADOPTERS: 2 DECISION 26 (days 50-54) ___________________________________________________________________ TACTIC :Workshop (Pastorakis) RATIONALE: OUTCOME: A platform like "Boost AI" will work best if data is collected systematically and in the right way, otherwise it may actually cause considerable confusion and people will just waste a lot of time. Only those who meet Linda Pastorakis regularly during coffee breaks might become more interested, but even this is not sure. From a point of view of getting more support, this doesn't seem to be the most successful approach. ADOPTERS: 2 EVENT (day 54) ___________________________________________________________________ OUTCOME: After almost three months you have not succeeded yet in getting the CEO fully interested in the diffusion of the "Boost AI" platform at FrontMedia. Her closest collaborators are puzzled. If the CEO is not particularly interested, why should they invest their time helping you in implementing this project, which is potentially very interesting, but also diverting their attention from other priorities? Be careful. You are losing the support of those who have not already bought into the "Boost AI" project. ADOPTERS: 2 DECISION 27 (day 55 ) ___________________________________________________________________ TACTIC :Face-To-Face Meeting (Stuart) RATIONALE: OUTCOME: You picked a bad time to see the CEO, despite having a meeting booked in her diary. She made you understand very politely, but very quickly, that today was not an appropriate time for discussing the corporate "Boost AI" project. Bad luck! You just wasted half a day in carefully preparing for the meeting and another half trying - without success - to meet the CEO. The Personal Assistant says another day might be better. This initiative was not very effective in terms of your objective, at least for now ... ADOPTERS: 2 DECISION 28 (days 56-58) ___________________________________________________________________ TACTIC :Reception RATIONALE: OUTCOME: Professor Progenius did not customize his comments to the organization's issues and challenges. He had a hard time as an outsider to connect with the audience. As someone said going out, "How could a professor be of any help in resolving our day-to-day performance challenges?" ADOPTERS: 2 DECISION 29 (day 59 ) ___________________________________________________________________ TACTIC :Dinner Event (Stuart) RATIONALE: OUTCOME: The response was pretty clear. In summary, it sounded like: "I'm really sorry, I am very busy with other extremely important issues related to making this organization successful. But you can come back again to me in three months!" Furthermore, Emma Stuart’s statement “By the way, just in case you wanted to mention your "Boost AI" Project, you should take into consideration that we already have excellent systems to support our decisions in the different functions!” showed pretty clearly that at this stage there is not a high level of willingness to collaborate in redesigning processes to leverage AI Techniques. This initiative was not very effective in terms of your objective, at least for now ... ADOPTERS: 2 DECISION 30 (days 60-62) ___________________________________________________________________ TACTIC :Dinner Event (Durand) RATIONALE: fhf OUTCOME: A good meeting! Stefanie Durand confirmed a high personal commitment to applying "Boost AI" at FrontMedia and promised to discuss implications intensively with colleagues in the department. A happy adopter might really help. If not in the short-term, then at least in the long term. ADOPTERS: 2 EVENT (day 62) ___________________________________________________________________ OUTCOME: Bad news! The Board of GlobeCom just sent you a memo expressing serious concerns with the level of spending related to social events/dinners you have organized, which is exceeding the expected budgets. In future, you might not be able to organize much more than one further dinner event! ADOPTERS: 2 EVENT (day 62) ___________________________________________________________________ OUTCOME: Yesterday, at the cafeteria, you heard an interesting story. It seems that Anna Belloni and Martin Buerli, who typically don’t talk a lot together very often, met a couple of days ago by chance in the hallway and had a pretty long and intensive exchange related to the impact of "Boost AI" at FrontMedia. It seems that Anna Belloni was doing most of the talking, and apparently with very good results. This was a lucky day! ADOPTERS: 2 DECISION 31 (days 63-66) ___________________________________________________________________ TACTIC :Covert Lobbying RATIONALE: OUTCOME: The Department Heads resent your approach and deliberately undermine the suggestion. It is a big public failure. You should review the reasons which made you decide to try to bypass some of the key people at FrontMedia and "manoeuvre" behind the scenes at this stage of the process! ADOPTERS: 2 DECISION 32 (days 67-69) ___________________________________________________________________ TACTIC :ExCom Meeting RATIONALE: OUTCOME: This was a really well-run meeting that helped to create and maintain momentum throughout the organization. At the very top level, managers now seem to share a very positive view of the project, an this has an impact on the interest and the willingness to experiment of their collaborators too. This was a significant move! ADOPTERS: 2 DECISION 33 (days 70-71) ___________________________________________________________________ TACTIC :Informal Encounters (Longhorn) RATIONALE: OUTCOME: It seems that you spent your time targeting the wrong person, but fortunately, you ended up meeting Anna Belloni on the main hallway, started talking about the implementation of the "Boost AI" platform at FrontMedia and were listened with great interest. Congratulations! The right initiative at the right time! ADOPTERS: 2 EVENT (day 71) ___________________________________________________________________ OUTCOME: In order to help you in your mission, the GlobeCom Board has just sent out a formal memo addressed to all the relevant people at FrontMedia. The memo announced the creation of a Group-wide Best AI-Enhanced Process Award associated with a significant budget extension for the winning business units. It also made clear that the Group Board is also considering the introduction of budget cuts for business units which will not have fully deployed the "Boost AI" platform to their processes and system by the end of next year. There was a lot of talk about this memo at FrontMedia during the last days, and a number of individuals seemed really impressed. It had a good impact, but not very long-lasting, unfortunately ... ADOPTERS: 2 DECISION 34 (days 72-73) ___________________________________________________________________ TACTIC :Informal Encounters (Heinze) RATIONALE: OUTCOME: Bert Heinze looked rather surprised when you started to talk about the implementation of "Boost AI" at FrontMedia after meeting “by chance” in the restaurant. You should be more careful to target the right person for such spontaneous conversations. This initiative was not very effective in terms of your objective, at least for now ... ADOPTERS: 2 DECISION 35 (day 74 ) ___________________________________________________________________ TACTIC :Face-To-Face Meeting (Heinze) RATIONALE: OUTCOME: The meeting was not very productive. Objectively, the more we know about those we meet, the better we can target them. At least the meeting helped you gathering more information about Bert Heinze. In summary: Spends only two days per week at the company, but is highly respected for his financial expertise. Careful in providing information to the right people, and keeping it from others. Seen as the major source of information to the parent company. Would like to see more flow of information up from the regions. ADVICE: We all know it, but often forget how important it is: In future, before such meetings, try not to forget to gather as much information as possible in advance. It really pays! This initiative was not very effective in terms of your objective, at least for now ... ADOPTERS: 2 DECISION 36 (day 75 ) ___________________________________________________________________ TACTIC :Face-To-Face Meeting (Peters) RATIONALE: OUTCOME: The meeting was not very productive. Objectively, the more we know about those we meet, the better we can target them. At least the meeting helped you gathering more information about John Peters. In summary: A strong believer in the potential of innovative Internet Products, but a bit frustrated by the "fanciful reputation" of his function in the company. Trying to professionalize the work, and show more alignment with the business strategy. He is also seen as a "people person" who enjoys his personal relationships. Very active in a local charity organization. ADVICE: We all know it, but often forget how important it is: In future, before such meetings, try not to forget to gather as much information as possible in advance. It really pays! This initiative was not very effective in terms of your objective, at least for now ... ADOPTERS: 2 DECISION 37 (days 76-77) ___________________________________________________________________ TACTIC :Get Profiles (Longhorn) (Stein) (Wang) (Tarowski) (Gupta) RATIONALE: OUTCOME: Requested information delivered to you. ADOPTERS: 2 DECISION 38 (days 78-80) ___________________________________________________________________ TACTIC :Reception RATIONALE: OUTCOME: Professor Progenius’s charismatic speech captured everyone's imagination. Those who attended got more and more enthusiastic during the presentation and the follow-on questions and answers, and your project gains a lot of momentum as a result. Sending some articles in advance also revealed to be a pretty good idea. Wow !!! ADOPTERS: 3 EVENT (day 80) ___________________________________________________________________ OUTCOME: Today doesn't start well! You heard that Adrian Muster met informally Randy Longhorn during a recent lunch break, and succeeded in spreading negative arguments about the project, particularly related to FrontMedia losing control on key processes. Apparently, Randy Longhorn was sensitive to Adrian Muster’s arguments, which is not really a motivation booster :-( ADOPTERS: 3 DECISION 39 (day 81 ) ___________________________________________________________________ TACTIC :Neutralize Resisters (Muster) RATIONALE: OUTCOME: Your request did not have enough support from the hierarchy. On the contrary, Adrian Muster's boss did not appreciate your move. You should be careful with such bold requests! ADOPTERS: 3 DECISION 40 (day 82 ) ___________________________________________________________________ TACTIC :Email RATIONALE: rth OUTCOME: Email does not seem to be very effective as a communication tool at FrontMedia. Apparently people either do not read their email messages or don't take the system seriously because of information overload. Consider that their mailboxes are already full with messages and announcements coming from the administration or available on the Intranet, and that a number of senior managers tend not to appreciate too much email as a way of communicating. For the time being, this last initiative has not been particularly successful. At least in the short term ... ADOPTERS: 3 DECISION 41 (days 83-87) ___________________________________________________________________ TACTIC :Management Training (Buerli) (Joos) (Longhorn) (Por) (Atherson) RATIONALE: OUTCOME: Those who participated in the course found the articles, lectures and case studies quite convincing about the value of AI Techniques in organizations. The final impact of the course seems nevertheless a function of what the CEO thinks on this subject. This was a significant move! ADOPTERS: 4 DECISION 42 (days 88-92) ___________________________________________________________________ TACTIC :Task Force (Pastorakis) (Raponi) (Por) (Atherson) (Belloni) RATIONALE: OUTCOME: Good! You selected a very well-balanced Task Force, which will definitely contribute to the success of your project! Exceptional!!! ADOPTERS: 4 DECISION 43 (days 93-97) ___________________________________________________________________ TACTIC :Workshop (Raponi) RATIONALE: OUTCOME: The session was fun, but there's a fair amount of scepticism about Frank Raponi, who tends to be more talk than action. In fact, Frank Raponi talks about a "very successful" session during the tea break. Hmmm! Hasn't worked out very well for now ... ADOPTERS: 4 DECISION 44 (day 98 ) ___________________________________________________________________ TACTIC :Memo (Atherson) (deGroote) (Stein) (Wang) (Kupik) RATIONALE: OUTCOME: You put together a well-presented and pretty effective summary of your ideas, with insights and expert opinion not widely known to people. For the time being, this last initiative has not been particularly successful. At least in the short term ... ADOPTERS: 4 DECISION 45 (day 99 ) ___________________________________________________________________ TACTIC :Face-To-Face Meeting (Stuart) RATIONALE: OUTCOME: FrontMedia's biggest customer just called to complain to the CEO about contract terms. The issues you wanted to discuss will have to wait for another time, but meeting with the CEO will be worth the effort. Emma Stuart 's lack of motivation to support you became very clear when she said: " At FrontMedia we care about employee’s satisfaction and I am afraid that the type of innovations you want to introduce with your "Boost AI" platform will have a negative impact and make people unsure about what is really expected from them!” This initiative was not very effective in terms of your objective, at least for now ... ADOPTERS: 4 DECISION 46 (days 100-102) ___________________________________________________________________ TACTIC :External Links RATIONALE: OUTCOME: Requested information delivered to you. ADOPTERS: 4 DECISION 47 (days 103-104) ___________________________________________________________________ TACTIC :Informal Encounters (Atherson) RATIONALE: OUTCOME: Your preparation was excellent. Jill Atherson enjoyed your short conversation in the hallway and is now eager to discuss the project with colleagues and social contacts. This was not bad at all :-) ADOPTERS: 4 EVENT (day 104) ___________________________________________________________________ OUTCOME: Be careful! You might have exaggerated with informal exchanges. People at FrontMedia have started noticing that you spend lots of time in the hallway and similar places, and particularly those who don’t value such informal ways of trying to influence people started making negative comments about you being too "political" and not enough straightforward. Not a good sign! ADOPTERS: 4 DECISION 48 (days 105-107) ___________________________________________________________________ TACTIC :ExCom Meeting RATIONALE: OUTCOME: Enthusiasm started spreading around the room during this meeting, as the Top Management Team gets more and more involved. In addition, most of them seem now really keen to start trying the "Boost AI" platform, and spoke about this intensively with their collaborators. Exceptional!!! ADOPTERS: 8 DECISION 49 (days 108-112) ___________________________________________________________________ TACTIC :Directive RATIONALE: OUTCOME: The CEO is offended by your "strongarm" Machiavellian approach and tells everybody that your credibility has been weakened by such a request. Your reputation at FrontMedia is definitely gone for the time being! ADOPTERS: 8 DECISION 50 (days 113-117) ___________________________________________________________________ TACTIC :Plenary Meeting RATIONALE: hf OUTCOME: You struck a positive note with a lot of people because they realize that implementing the "Boost AI" platform is a requirement to improve performance in the future. Still, a number of managers remain sceptical ... ADOPTERS: 8 DECISION 51 (days 118-119) ___________________________________________________________________ TACTIC :Informal Encounters (Wang) RATIONALE: OUTCOME: Having gathered a lot of information on this person made your short talk very successful. Daniel Wang will now discuss the project within the department as well as with others at FrontMedia. Exceptional!!! ADOPTERS: 8 DECISION 52 (day 120 ) ___________________________________________________________________ TACTIC :Selective Email (Stuart) (Heinze) (Buerli) (Joos) (Longhorn) RATIONALE: OUTCOME: Some people unfortunately don’t like interacting via email and prefer other ways of gathering information they consider relevant to build their opinions. ADOPTERS: 8